Criminal Justice Social Work

Criminal Justice Social Work services aim to reduce reoffending, increase social inclusion of offenders and ex-offenders and enhance public protection. Scottish local authorities have a legal duty to provide criminal justice social work services.
Dumfries & Galloway Council Criminal Justice Social Work Service is the main provider of criminal justice social work services in the region. We work in partnership with other statutory and voluntary agencies to provide these services.
Contact with Criminal Justice Social Work Services is normally as a result of report requests, court orders or supervision following release from prison.
Diversion from prosecution
In some circumstances the Procurator Fiscal will decide to divert a case for social work intervention.
Reports and risk assessments
Criminal Justice Social Work reports are requested by the courts to help inform decisions about sentencing.
Court Services
Information on court services
Community Payback Orders
Community Payback Orders replaced Community Service Orders, Probation Orders and Supervised Attendance Orders.
Drug Treatment & Testing Orders
Drug Treatment and Testing Orders (DTTO) are imposed by courts where someone's offending is clearly linked to significant problem drug misuse.
Restriction of Liberty Orders
Courts can impose a Restriction of Liberty Order (RLO).
Statutory and Voluntary Throughcare
Find out about statutory and voluntary throughcare.
Criminal Justice Social Work Resources
In Dumfries & Galloway we have a range of qualified and para-professional staff delivering our services in different settings within communities and in HMP Dumfries.