Please Note: While we have shared the following resources, we are not responsible for the content of external websites.
National Wellbeing Hub
Clic is a safe online community to support everyone with their mental health.
Action for Happiness
A collection of talks they host in real time on a range of wellbeing issues that you can replay.
View All Our Resources | Action for Happiness
TURAS Taking care of myself
Note: You will need to login with your Turas account to view the module.
Mind UK
A range of resources including:
- Types of mental health problems
- A-Z mental health
- Everyday living including tips about your mental health online, mindfulness, relaxation, stress, wellbeing
British Red Cross Wellbeing Resources
British Red Cross Improving Wellbeing
Resilience resources for social work and social care workers
Mindfulness in social work education and practice
Click here to read.
For Scotland's Mental Health
NHS Inform
Identifying, treating and managing mental health problems and disorders.

Breathing Space
Shout UK
Shout is a free, confidential, 24/7 text support service for anyone in the UK who is struggling to cope.
Living Life to the Full (LLTTF)
A Scottish interactive site for depression and anxiety, where users can access cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) treatments online.
The website includes free resources for helping you to learn how to sort out your feelings when you feel low, worried or hopeless.
Online mental health packages from Silvercloud
Please note: It does ask you for a location and lists Scottish Locations Only.
Your access code is: Scotland2020
Stress -Adult
Resilience -Adult
Covid-19 -Adult
Sleep -Adult
Positive body image -Adult
Money worries -Adult
Stress - Student population
Resilience - Student population
Money worries - Student population
Positive body image - Student population
Supporting an Anxious Teen -Parent/Carer
Supporting an Anxious Child -Parent/Carer
Happiful Magazine
A free award-winning digital subscription which centers on making your wellbeing a priority.
Help: Are you looking for help with recovery from the impact of trauma?
Moffat Academy Police Competition 5
This video highlights the importance of safety and linked to wellbeing for those working in the Police.
This video highlights the importance of front-line workers treated fairly and emphasising they are human as well.
Morton Thistle Juniors
This video highlights the importance of front-line workers treated fairly and emphasising they are human as well.