About us
Public Protection activity in Dumfries and Galloway, is overseen by the multi-agency Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection Partnership.
This Partnership is headed by the Chief Officers Group: Public Protection, which has responsibility for strategic leadership and oversight of delivery of services and improved outcomes for Child Protection, Adult Protection, Violence Against Women and Girls and Offender Management (Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements - MAPPA) issues affecting Dumfries and Galloway.
The Public Protection Committee, lead by an Independent Chair, reports to Chief Officers and is the local strategic partnership responsible for the overview of policy and practice in relation to adult protection, child protection and violence against women and girls. The primary aim of the Committee is to shape the effective discharge of public protection activity through strategic oversight and performance review of those arrangements. The Committee is supported in delivering its aims through involvement in regional and national strategic groups.
The Committee will have a dedicated and specific remit on protection issues and overview of all protection work; assuming responsibility for the strategic development and delivery of effective services to vulnerable adults and children at risk of significant harm and comprises high level representatives from:
- Dumfries and Galloway Council
- NHS Dumfries and Galloway
- DG Health and Social Care Partnership
- Police Scotland; DG Alcohol and Drugs Partnership
- Scottish Prison Service
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Scottish Ambulance Service
- Scottish Children's Reporter Administration
- DG Third Sector Interface
- Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
- Care Inspectorate
- DG Community Justice Partnership
In line with statutory responsibilities, the Committee will have a focus on high risk groups and will ensure effective arrangements are in place to manage areas of overlap across the public protection fora.
The group will ensure that appropriate planning and management together with arrangements for performance review will be a critical core function and with a clear operational focus on the identification and management of risk, the committee will ensure responses are timely, proportionate and targeted.
Contact us: publicprotection@dumgal.gov.uk
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