Social Work (Acronyms)
Adult Protection
ASP | Adult Support & Protection |
AA | Appropriate Adult |
AA | Alcoholics Anonymous |
ADP | Alcohol and Drugs Partnership |
ADS | Alcohol and Drugs Service |
ASARPP | Adult Supported Accommodation and Residential Placement Panel |
ASIST | Applied Suicide Interventions Skills Training |
AP | Alleged Perpetrator |
AIRD | Adult Initial Referral Discussion |
ADTP | Alcohol Dependence and Treatment Program |
ACED | Assessment of Capacity for Everyday Decision making |
APC | Adult Protection Committees |
AP1 | Adult Protection (Referral Forms) |
AWI | Adults with Incapacity |
CAMHS | Children with Adolescence Mental Health Service |
CC | Care Coordinator |
C&E | Communication and Engagement subcommittee |
CSE | Commercial Sexual Exploitation (Violence Against Women and Girls) |
CMHT | Community Mental Health Team |
CO | Council Officer |
CPN | Community Psychiatric Nurse |
CPP | Community Planning Partnership |
DART | Drug and Alcohol Resistance Training |
DA | Domestic Abuse |
DVPN | Domestic Violence Prevention Order |
DV | Domestic Violence |
DHR | Domestic Homicide Review |
DASV | Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence |
DDTP | Drug Dependency Treatment Programme |
DSAs | Data Sharing Agreements |
DASA | Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse |
DASH | Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment and Honour-Based Violence |
DPIAs | Data Protection Impact Assessments |
DSDAS | Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse Scotland |
FGM | Female genital mutilation |
FMU | Forced Marriage Unit |
GBV | Gender Based Violence |
GMC | General Medical Council UK |
HBV | Honour Based Violence |
HSCP | Health & Social Care Partnership |
IJB | Integration Joint Board |
LD | Learning Disability |
LR | Learning Review |
LSAB | Local Safeguarding Adults Board (England) |
LSIs | Large Scale Investigations |
MAPPA | Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements |
MARM | Multi Agency Risk Management Group |
MH | Mental Health |
MHO | Mental Health Officer |
MARAC | Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference MDS Modern Day Slavery |
MDS | Modern Day Slavery |
NAPC | National Adult Protection Coordinator |
OOS | Out of Hours Service (Social Work) |
PD | Physical Disability |
PTSD | Post-traumatic stress disorder |
PMAP | Public Medical Assistance Program |
POA | Power of Attorney |
PPC | Public Protection Committee |
SARA | Spousal Assault Risk assessment |
SAM | Stalking Assessment and Management |
SDF | Scottish Drug Forum |
SCR | Serious Case Review |
SGR | Service Generated Risks |
SW | Social Worker |
SSW | Senior Social Worker |
WAWY | We are with You (local alcohol and drug support service) |
Social Work (Acronyms)
Child Protection
ACE | Adverse Childhood Experiences |
ACR | Age of criminal responsibility |
ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
ACT | (Act, Care, Treat) Suicide Prevention |
CARM | Care and Risk Management |
CSE | Child Sexual Exploitation |
CPR | Child Protection Register |
CSA | Child Sexual Abuse |
CSP | Children's services plan, or children and young people's services plan |
CP | Child Protection |
CPOMS | Child Protection Online Monitoring and Safeguarding System |
CPPM | Child Protection Planning Meeting |
CPO | Child Protection Order (Children & families service) |
CPT | Child Protection Team |
CIN | Child in Need |
CAR | Child Assessment Report |
COG | Chief Officers Group |
CRO | Chairing & Reviewing Officer |
CPI | Child Protection Investigation |
CCE | Child Criminal Exploitation |
CPC | Child Protection Committee |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service |
CHS | Children's Hearings Scotland |
CPCC | Child Protection Committee Chairs |
CPCC | Child Protection Case Conference |
CPPM | Child Protection Planning Meeting |
CFSW | Children and Families Social Work |
CELCIS | Centre for Excellence for Children's Care and Protection |
CICA | Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority |
CWD | Children with Disabilities |
DAART | Drug and Alcohol Residential Treatment |
FME | Forensic Medical Examination |
FASD | Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder |
FAS | Foetal Alcohol Syndrome |
FGM | Female genital mutilation |
GIRFEC | Getting it Right for Every Child |
GOPR | Getting our Priorities Right |
HIS | Healthcare Improvement Scotland |
HMICS | His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland |
ICPPM | Initial Children Protection Planning Meeting (previously known as ICPCC, Initial Child Protection Case Conference) |
ICR | Initial Case review |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
IRD | Interagency referral discussions |
ICR | Independent Care Review |
JIIS | Joint investigative Interviews |
LAC | Looking After Child |
LCG | LAC Core Group |
LAAC | Looked after and accommodated child |
LM | Locality Manager |
LR | Learning Review |
MARAC | Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference |
MASH | Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub |
NAS | Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome |
NRF | National Risk Framework |
| Permanence & Care Excellence (Children & families service)
| Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity & Empathy (Fostering & Adoption Service) |
UASC | Unaccompanied asylum-seeking child |
UNCRC | United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child |
UASC | Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children |
UNCRC | UN Convention on the Rights of the Child |
RCPPM | Review Child Protection Planning Meeting |
SCRA | Scottish Children's Reporter Administration |
SID | Sudden Infant Death |
SCLD | Scottish Commission for Learning Disability |
SCR | Significant or Serious Case Review |
SHANARRI | Getting it right for every child wellbeing indicators-safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, respected, responsible, included |
SOS | Signs of Safety |
STI | Sexually Transmitted Infection |
STI | Soft Tissue Injury |
SSW | Senior Social Worker |
SUDI | Sudden unexpected death in infancy |
SIDS | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome |
SCIM | Scottish Child Interview Model |
TM | Team Manager |
VAWG | Violence against women and girls |
Social Work (Acronyms)
ADP | Alcohol and Drug Partnership |
ASP | Adult Support and Protection |
BASW | British Association of Social Workers |
CM | Case Manager |
CSWO | Chief Social Work Officer |
CBSW | Community Based Social Worker |
CJOIP | Community Justice Outcome Improvement Plan |
CJP | Community Justice Partnership |
CJS | Community Justice Scotland |
CJMG | Criminal Justice Management Group |
CJSWR | Criminal Justice Social Work Report |
COG | Chief Officers' Group |
CP | Child Protection |
CPO | Community Payback Order |
D&G | Dumfries and Galloway |
DGC | Dumfries and Galloway Council |
DRD | Drug Related Death(s) |
DV | Domestic Violence |
DTTO | Drug Treatment and Testing Order |
FWO | Fiscal Work Order |
GIRFEC | Getting it Right for Every Child |
IFSW | International Federation of Social Workers |
JSW | Justice Social Work |
LSCMi | Level of Service/Case Management Inventory |
MAPPA | Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements |
MARM | Multi Agency Risk Management |
MASH | Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub |
MATAC | Multi Agency Tasking and Co-ordination |
MFMC | Moving Forward; Making Changes |
MF2C | Moving Forward to Change |
MOG | MAPPA Operational Group |
NFO | Non-Fatal Overdose |
NOS | National Outcomes and Standards |
NOTA | National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers |
PBSW | Prison Based Social Worker |
PDT | Programme Delivery Team |
PM&QA | Performance Management & Quality Assurance |
RRT | Recover, Renew and Transform |
RNR | Risk - Need - Responsivity |
RoSH | Risk of Serious Harm |
SAP | Single Access Point |
SARA | Spousal Assault Risk Assessment |
SASW | Scottish Association of Social Work |
SG | Scottish Government |
SLT | Senior Leadership Team |
SOG | Strategic Oversight Group |
SPG | Strategic Planning Group |
SSSC | Scottish Social Services Council |
SSW | Senior Social Worker |
SWA | Social Work Assistant |
SW | Social Work / Social Worker |
SWS | Social Work Scotland |
SARA | Spousal Assault Risk Assessment |
UPW | Unpaid Work |
VAWG | Violence Against Women and Girls |
ViSOR | Violent and Sex Offender Register |
YJ | Youth Justice |
SARC | Sexual Assault Referral Centres |