Please Note: While we have shared the following resources, we are not responsible for the content of external websites.
Stop DG Drug Deaths App
Stop DG Drug Deaths is a source of information for people in Dumfries and Galloway with alcohol and/or drug problems, and their families or friends, to boost harm reduction messaging and information that can prevent an overdose.

Links to download it for apple and android users
DG Locator App
DGLocator is a free to download and use mobile app and website showcasing services from charities, community groups, and third sector organisations in Dumfries and Galloway.

Links to download it for apple and android users
DGLocator on the App Store (
DGLocator - Apps on Google Play
Worry Tree Mobile App
My Possible Self: Mental Health
ā€ˇMyPossibleSelf: Mental Health - Apps on Google Play
What's Up? - Mental Health App
What's Up? - Mental Health App - Apps on Google Play
Headspace: Learn to Meditate
Headspace: Learn to Meditate - Apps on Google Play
Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax
Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax - Apps on Google Play
Self Help App for the Mind (SAM)
Self-help App for the Mind (SAM) | Self-help App for the Mind (SAM) (
Sleepio is free. For those who don't work for NHS/Health Care, the option for "none of the above - just help me with my anxiety/my sleep" should be selected. Please note it does prompt you for a Scottish postcode.
Daylight is free. For those who don't work for NHS/Health Care, the option for "none of the above - just help me with my anxiety/my sleep" should be selected. Please note it does prompt you for a Scottish postcode.