Ukrainian Arrivals
On 11 April 2022 the Scottish Government published guidance for all practitioners involved in safeguarding of children and adults who are arriving in Scotland from Ukraine to identify and respond to risk and need.
This guide refers to promotion of wellbeing and the protection of vulnerable people. Public Protection is the framework and practice for:
· maximising the safety of those who may be vulnerable to harm
· protecting them, and
· allowing for their identification and a skilled response where concerns arise.
In Scotland, the foundations for public protection policies, guidance and legislation are held within the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The principles and entitlements of these Conventions must underpin our core business.
Nationally, planning is ongoing in anticipation of the arrival of increasing numbers of people from Ukraine into Scotland. The precise number of likely arrivals is unclear, and the levels of support will vary greatly. The level and type of support will be dependent on individual circumstances, including:
· Health & wellbeing on arrival
· Who, if anyone, accompanies children
· The migration route through which they arrive, and
· Where they will be accommodated during their stay.
Locally, Sheila Clingan, Locality Manager, Centralised Services, is undertaking work in relation to the displacement of Ukraine refugees in partnership with the Resettlement Board on behalf of Dumfries and Galloway Council. The Resettlement Board includes leads for each of the work streams as outlined below.
At this present time, we have seen several Ukrainian families enter the UK via national airports and our ports and successfully transition to their onward destinations. A welcome point at Cairnryan Village Hall has been established and have a welcome hub in place. Negotiations are currently underway with a number of welcome hubs throughout Dumfries and Galloway to offer a range of accommodation options should this be required. Support networks are in place to support Ukraine families when this is required. To date there have been no arrivals who have required our assistance in relation to the Super Sponsorship scheme and all families are entering via the friends and family route or homes for Ukraine. It is envisaged this will change in the forthcoming weeks as the situation changes.
Dumfries & Galloway Out of Hours social work service are fully aware of the process to offer support and guidance in the evenings and weekends.
Over the recent weeks we have become aware of an increasing number of families throughout Dumfries and Galloway who wish to offer Homes for Ukraine within their homes or second properties.
As stated, the Resettlement Board are currently co-ordinating Dumfries & Galloway response to the displacement of Ukraine refugees and multi-agency workstreams have been established which include
· Communications (People and Transformation)
· Education and Employment (Community Planning and Engagement , Economy and Development; and Education and Learning)
· Finance, Governance and Performance (Community Planning and Engagement; Economy and Development, Finance and Procurement)
· Health and Social Care (Social Work Services)
· Homes and Housing (Economy and Development and Neighbourhood Services)
· Welcome, community orientation and support (Community Planning and Engagement and Social Work Services)
Dumfries & Galloway are represented in national meetings and the information from these national forums report into the Resettlement Board who meet on a weekly basis to further strengthen the service being offered to Ukraine families.
Further information will be shared in time to keep you up to date with the current situation.
Please find here the link to the publicly accessible version of the guidance: Child welfare and protection - People arriving from Ukraine - risk and need: public protection guidance - (