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Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection Week 2025 - Programme

Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection Partnership is delighted to announce that D&G Public Protection Week is taking place from Monday 24 to Friday  28 February 2025.

Public Protection Week 2025 will be an opportunity for all key partner organisations in Dumfries and Galloway to connect with the community, share best practices and knowledge, and support each other to continually enhance services.  The full week of events will involve key speakers across public protection to raise awareness and understanding of public protection in Dumfries & Galloway and to facilitate discussions with both staff and our communities.

The events are varied, informative, and inclusive - suitable for staff teams and members of the public.

Please note: We may update further information about our events as soon as we receive them. If you have any queries about our events, please email

If you require reasonable adjustments to attend one of our public protection events including BSL interpretation please email and we will do our best to accommodate on a case by case basis.

D&G Public Protection Week - Programme




Delivery Channel


Missing People with Emma Wynack, National Coordinator, The National Missing Person Framework Implementation Project, Missing People 

Someone is reported missing every 90 seconds in the UK, with 18,000 reports of missing children and adults a year in Scotland. People who go missing are often in a crisis and face great harm, missing is an entrenched social and public health issue in Scotland. 

When people are found or return, it is rarely the end of the story.  Half of all missing episodes are people who have been missing before. This is why providing the right help at the right time can reduce someone's risk of ongoing harm and the risk of going missing again.

This session will cover:

·Missing in Scotland - the scale of the issue, key information and statistics

·The National Missing Person Framework - a best practice guide for multi-agency professionals supporting missing people and their loved ones

·Best Practice Responses for supporting someone who has returned from a missing episode.


The Online Session will end with a mindfulness recording that is optional to participate in. 

    10:00 - 11:00

    Online (Teams) 

    Click HERE to book your place




    Financial Harm Awareness Raising with Thomas Dingwall, Police Scotland

    Fraud is now the most reported crime to Police in the UK. Anyone could be a victim of fraud these days from doorstep fraud, romance fraud, identity theft, internet fraud and lots more.

    This session will cover fraudulent trends on both a local and national basis and the various types of fraud and what you can do to keep yourself or loved ones safe from becoming a victim.


    The Online Session will end with a mindfulness recording that is optional to participate in. 


    Online (Teams) 

    Click HERE to book your place


    Building Bridges (Commercial Sexual Exploitation) with Linda Thompson, National co-ordinator of the Women's Support Project

    As individuals, communities and services face the multiple pressures from the Cost of Living Crisis, there are increasing numbers of women faced with difficult situations and reduced options and so the numbers involved in all aspects of the sex industry are increasing.

    This session will highlight the needs of women involved along with the stigma they can face and the challenges there are to gain support and service responses. The session will also share new resources to support staff in their understanding and practice.

    The session will use the voices and testimonies of women along with new training resources and opportunities.



    The Online Session will end with a mindfulness recording that is optional to participate in. 


    Online (Teams) 

    Click HERE to book your place




    Recovery Communities (recovery from substance use) with Faye Hardy, Recovery Communities Coordinator, Charly Dempster and Nick Wood, Peer facilitators/members of DGRT Dumfries and Galloway Recovery Together 

    Recovery Communities are networks of local people who have the same goal of working towards the journey of recovery through providing lived experience peer support to each other.

    Recovery is a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self directed lives and further develop their potential.

    Volunteering and training and development opportunities are available for you to get involved in Recovery Communities in Dumfries and Galloway."

    The session will look at development of Recovery Communities - Dumfries and Galloway Recovery Together (DGRT) - throughout the region as well as plans for the future. Alongside this we will hear from someone who attends our groups and the difference its made to them and their recovery journey.



    The Online Session will end with a mindfulness recording that is optional to participate in. 


    Online (Teams) 

    Click HERE to book your place


    Out of Hours about this service, with Rosie Black, Team Manager (Out-of-Hours (OOH) and Charlene Cruickshank, Practice Development Officer/Social Work Practitioner

    The Out-of-Hours (OOH) Social Work service is accessible 365 days per year during evenings, weekends and all public holidays. Working in partnership with key public protection partners, we are a front door response to contacts from the public and partner agencies.

    OOH gathers information and makes the relevant pathways to link into other services and / or provides an immediate response. We provide a response to a range of social issues:-

    • Child protection concerns.
    • General concerns about children and young people.
    • Adult protection concerns.
    • Vulnerable older people.
    • Mental health concerns.
    • Liaison with MHO colleagues.
    • Young people requiring accommodation.
    • Supporting pets where adults have been admitted to hospital.
    • Provision of emergency food parcels.
    • Homeless accommodation requests.
    • Women and families at risk of domestic violence.
    • Appropriate Adult (AA) service.
    • We offer advice and information.
    • We refer and signpost to relevant services for ongoing support.

    The OOH service provides a professional response to issues that cannot wait until the next working day using the least restrictive interventions necessary to achieve effective outcomes and to keep people safe and protected from harm.

    The session will provide an overview of the OOH service, including case examples / success stories.



    The Online Session will end with a mindfulness recording that is optional to participate in. 



    Online (Teams) 

    Click HERE to book your place












    Community Reuse Shop/Pink Frog Project with Donna McKeand, Programme Manager

    The Pink Frog run by The Furniture Project is an empowering initiative that is making a significant difference in our community.

    Based in Blackparks Industrial Estate in Stranraer, we have crafted a purpose-built cabin that serves as a tranquil educational space for participants. This inviting environment allows individuals to relax, unwind, and prepare themselves for the journey ahead. Here, we recognise that each person comes with their unique set of challenges and we are committed to helping them navigate those barriers to employment.

    Our programme is designed with a clear mission: to enhance employability skills, boost confidence, and address individual obstacles faced by those furthest from the labour market. Through a combination of practical workshops and experiential learning, we empower participants to unlock their full potential. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive, and we're here to guide them every step of the way.

    Participants engage within the facilities of our Community Reuse Shop, gaining hands-on experience that not only builds valuable skills but also promotes lifelong learning and community engagement. Additionally, they can take part in local projects, expanding their networks and enhancing their employability.

    At The Pink Frog, we also prioritise creating a supportive and safe environment, where personal growth is encouraged and celebrated. Through our partnerships with local employers, we aim to open up pathways to sustainable employment, bridging the gap between ambition and achievement.

    We invite you to visit us and see for yourself the myriad of opportunities available to Pink Frog participants. During your visit, you will have the chance to explore our facilities, including the dedicated Pink Frog cabin where transformative learning takes place. You'll view firsthand how participants engage in various projects, including work in our warehouse, retail space, and even our community bike project. These experiences not only build valuable skills but also promote lifelong learning and community involvement.

    What's truly special about The Pink Frog programme is the supportive environment we offer. Participants work alongside our experienced staff team and dedicated volunteers in a nurturing setting, ensuring they receive guidance every step of the way. This collaborative atmosphere fosters relationships and social skills, empowering each individual to navigate their personal and professional challenges effectively.


    Click HERE to book your place

    Community Reuse Shop 

    Enterprise House, Fountains Way, Black Parks Industrial Estate, Stranraer, DG9 7UD


    Please note this event is capped at 20 participants and is first come, first served.  


    Home Start with Claire McKie, Wigtownshire Senior Co-ordinator (Centre)

    Home-Start Wigtownshire are a family support charity, established in 2000.  Based in Stranraer, but supporting families around the entirety of Wigtownshire, they support families who are facing personal challenges during the early years of parenting.  

    Working with families to build confidence, improve health and wellbeing, strengthen relationships and connect with their communities, they train volunteers to provide support in the home setting, they run weekly family groups, strategically located around the region, with a particular focus on families facing isolation and loneliness and provide remote support to parents via telephone or video calls.

    Their vision is to see parents living in Wigtownshire getting the support they need to give their children the best possible start in life.

    Working collaboratively with statutory and third sector organisations across the region, they offer a whole family approach, aiming to ensure children have the best possible opportunities to flourish.

    You will hear about Home-Start UK and the work of Home-Start Wigtownshire at a local level - we will explain the volunteer process and how we recruit and train volunteers to support families in our community.  We will present an anonymous case study of a family we have supported.  There will also be opportunity to meet some of our team and ask any questions you may have on our service.  


    Online (Teams) 

    Click HERE to book your place


    Please note this event was initially in person at the Stranraer Millenium Centre but to increase reach it has now went online.  




    Safe and Together with Katie Redpath, Senior Social Worker, Children's Services 

    The safe and together model is child-centred and derives its name from the concept that children are best served when we can work toward keeping them safe and together with the non-offending parent (the adult domestic violence survivor). The Model provides a framework for partnering with domestic violence survivors and intervening with domestic violence perpetrators in order to enhance the safety and well-being of children. This one hour and thirty minute session will provide a basic overview of the key concepts, themes and tools to implement the model into your practice to partner with the non-offending parent whilst holding the perpetrator to account using the perpetrator-pattern based mapping tool.

    The Online Session will end with a mindfulness recording that is optional to participate in. 



    Online (Teams) 

    Click HERE to book your place


    Compassion Fatigue with Nathan Mesnikoff, Spiritual Care Lead

    Compassion fatigue, or more accurately empathy fatigue, is sometimes seen as the "cost of caring." Exposure to those experiencing trauma can affect caregivers profoundly. Burnout from often overwhelming demands that frequently exceed available resources compounds the problem. Come learn how to understand and recognise compassion fatigue and burnout as well as simple, practical techniques and strategies to manage the stresses and pressures of professional caregiving. Taught by a skilled facilitator with decades of experience, the session is interactive, fast-moving, and often funny.





    Click HERE to book your place


    Lecture Theatre, Lower Ground North, Mountainhall Bankend Rd, Dumfries, DG1 4AP

    Please note this event is capped at 75 participants and is first come, first served.



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