Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018
The new Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 came into force in April and protects people from physical, sexual, financial, and emotional/psychological harm including coercion.
The Emotional/Psychological Abuse Booklet below includes plenty of examples of these forms of abuse and describes Coercive Control. Click HERE to access the DA(S)Act 2018
Help for women experiencing domestic abuse: Download the Emotional, Psychological abuse booklet (PDF, 311 KB)(opens new window)
Help for men experiencing domestic abuse: Download the booklet on help for men experiencing domestic abuse (PDF, 152 KB)(opens new window)
Przemoc domowa jest czymś wiecej niż przemocą fizyczną: Download - Przemoc domowa jest czymś wiecej niż przemocą fizyczną (PDF, 297 KB)(opens new window)